24 years with
success and expansion

e-Boks started in 2001, and since then it has gone from strength to strength. e-Boks is represented in several countries and has a total of 24.1 million users globally.

e-Boks’ vision and mission


We create user-friendly, connected and safe digital societies that make everyday life easier and better for everyone.


We help people, businesses and institutions to digitally interact and service themselves efficiently and securely through our platforms.

Companies and institutions are our partners and together we create better and secure digitalisation where users are in control.

Our values


It is the foundation for innovation and all forms of development both as people and organisations. We want to encourage curiosity, which is the basis for the big leaps, but also for the small ongoing initiatives that improve us as an organisation.


It's about doing the right things and making the right choices. It ensures that we prioritise what is most important and matters most. It also helps us to behave properly towards each other and towards our users, customers and partners.


A fundamental part of our business. Users, customers and partners trust us, and it's incredibly important to us that this continues. Trust between people is important and that we keep our promises.
We protect that trust by talking about things openly and in a timely manner.

Billedet viser tre unge karrierer mennesker, to mænd og én kvinde, der alle har jakkesæt på. De står og kigger på en tablet, som den ene af dem holder. Billedet er taget oppefra, så man kan se indholdet på tabletten.

You can read more about who e-Boks is and how we want to be in our WannaBeBook (in Danish)

See WannaBeBook

We treat our employees and customers with professionalism, honesty and respect. We are direct, trustworthy, transparent and professional in the way we work. In other words, we treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. We also carefully select our suppliers.

We have written down our Code of Business Conduct, which every employee at e-Boks must comply with.

The Labour Code of Conduct describes the human rights of e-Boks employees in the workplace in accordance with e-Boks' human rights commitment.

Ulrik Falkner Thagesen

Ulrik Falkner Thagesen


Susanne Søndahl Wolff

Susanne Søndahl Wolff

Director of Communications and ESG

Henrik Ostenfeld Larsen

Henrik Ostenfeld Larsen


Erik Abildgaard Knudsen

Erik Abildgaard Knudsen


Anders Ørding Olsen

Anders Ørding Olsen


Carina Bansholt Oxfeldt

General Counsel

Tobias Høyer Engelhardt

Tobias Høyer Engelhardt

Director of International Development and SDM

Jes Rude Dragsted

Jes Rude Dragstedt


Who owns e-Boks?

e-Boks is a limited company owned equally by PostNord A/S and Nets Denmark A/S. Two people from PostNord and two people from Nets sit on the board.

PostNord A/S 

PostNord A/S is a market leader in transport, distribution and logistics with a strong position as a trusted third party for physical communication. A position that also includes digital communication.

Post Nord A/S

Nets Denmark A/S 

Nets is a leader in payment solutions and the development and operation of payment systems. Nets is controlling the banks' payment infrastructure and ensures the transport of money and information between private individuals, companies and public institutions.

Nets Denmark A/S